Gabrielle in Xena: Warrior Princess s02e12 - Gabrielle/ (Steven L. Sears - R.J Stewart)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bitterbanana
Xena, I know you can hear me, wherever you are. I know you've always told me to be strong, but I can't be, not now. You can't leave me! I know it's not your time. I can feel it in my heart. I just feel this emptiness that I've never known before and it scares me. Xena, above all, just remember your destiny. Remember it and fight! Fight to come back! This world needs you. I need you...

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michelle38 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
It inspire me a lot. :)
michelle38 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Please note, this quote is classified in the French quotes!
progression 6 Jahre vor
Attention, cette citation est classée dans les citations françaises !

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