Almost There - TheRobotCluster

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von therobotcluster
What really helped me improve my typing speed is... Practice, practice, practice. Loads of practice. More than you think is reasonable, and then double that amount. That's the only way you get good at anything. My goal is to comfortably and consistently be in the 99th percentile on this site (rank 2,100 or better). I'm consistently in the 97th or 98th. 99th is really hard!

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
bweeta 80.72 93.8%
geageorgia 78.00 95.2%
galaxy.speck. 77.23 93.5%
miguelito 73.69 95.4%
mgraham 73.42 93.5%
bellasmom 59.17 95.4%
user76803 56.59 93.1%
clickclackm00 54.75 86.8%
user108031 34.01 91.1%
user957906 25.09 92.6%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
bweeta 80.72 93.8%
bellasmom 59.17 95.4%
geageorgia 78.00 95.2%
user108031 34.01 91.1%
user76803 56.59 93.1%
clickclackm00 54.75 86.8%
galaxy.speck. 77.23 93.5%
mgraham 73.42 93.5%