Anime - Biplob

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user73599
I like to watch anime. Some people might not like it but I really do. One of the reasons I like it is because of its unique style. A lot of the anime has great stories and a deep emotional impact on a person. There are a ton of good anime out there and who are not into it should really try it out. Not everyone is going to like it but at least they should try.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 152.85 97.1%
theprivateeye 122.76 94.0%
user108043 117.81 98.6%
kyle_w 115.77 97.8%
user835187 114.05 99.2%
gwaldrop 111.07 95.8%
petrolfume 108.51 97.0%
jezpher 106.88 92.6%
geryjs 103.94 95.3%
user91712 102.30 95.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
donoshea 89.45 93.5%
user91712 102.30 95.3%
user835187 114.05 99.2%
user11228 61.47 92.3%
shubham6211 60.02 89.1%
user735839 57.89 90.7%
user108043 117.81 98.6%
reasonablereason 86.42 96.3%