daokarachi - ahmed

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von daokarachi
Macbeth and Banquo the weather and their victory. As they wander onto a health, the Three Witches enter and greet them with prophecies. Though Banquo Challenges Them, with first, They Address Macbeth, Haling Him As "Thane of Glamis," "Thane of Cawdor," and That He Shall "Be King Hereafter." Macbeth Appears to be Stunned to silence When Banquo aska of his own Fortunes, the Witches respond, Paradoxically, saying that he will be less than Macvbeth, Yet happier, less successful, yet more. He will...

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weesin 6 Jahre vor
for crying out loud....what is with your quotes with the incorrect capitalization and punctuation?

AND incorrect words:
-"health" should be "hearth"
-"haling" should be "hailing"
-"aska" should be "asks"
-"Macvbeth" should be "Macbeth"

Your quotes are ATROCIOUS. Please leave the submission of quotes to people who can spell and use punctuation appropriately

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sizzle_slime 76.86 93.3%
user90997 71.58 88.7%
falsesu 61.59 97.7%
typeracer_0 58.29 89.0%
miaka 51.01 95.8%
luxgjallarhorn 41.10 97.5%
user99861 39.27 88.6%
alopezariza12 30.21 96.2%
user744502 24.09 87.8%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
falsesu 61.59 97.7%
luxgjallarhorn 41.10 97.5%
typeracer_0 58.29 89.0%
user99861 39.27 88.6%
user744502 24.09 87.8%
sizzle_slime 76.86 93.3%
alopezariza12 30.21 96.2%
user90997 71.58 88.7%