What are those recycling numbers for? - Jarryd Jackson

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jrabjackson
Hello there, Have you ever wandered what the numbers in the recycling triangle are? If not, you should start recycling more. Number 1 PolyETE, Standard plastic bottles. Number 2 HDPolyE, Laundryand shampoo bottles Number 3 PolyV, Plastic piping, shower curtians seat covers Number 4 LDPolyE, Sandwhich bags, wrapping films Number 5 PolyP, Tupperware and medicine containers Number 6 -PolyS- Plastic cups and caps DO NOT RECYCLE Contaminated plastics and grocery bags.

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kdahn12 5 Monate, 3 Wochen vor
This quote was so lonnnngggg and so borrrrring!!!!!!!!!

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