
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von klastraaa
You only see a person from what they want and allow you to see. I always try to look as put together as I can, and I guess that's my way of hiding from the truth. It's just that way, everyone will assume that everything in my life is okay--that I never go through anything. If only everyone knew how broken I am, and how I'm holding on for dear life on this one last strand that's recently become very delicate. The truth is that no one really knows me, and sometimes that scares me.

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apriori 12 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Quote is from a self published author on "Wattpad" who is named Ashley, goes by the handle "Young-an- Reckless" the url to the material is: http://www.wattpad.com/1960874-some-things-never-change-chapter-1
apriori 12 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Quote is incorrect. Submitted the correct version.

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