The True Enemy - Deionarra - Planescape Torment

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mcyucel
You shall meet enemies there, but none more dangerous than yourself in your full glory. They are shades of good, of evil and of neutrality given life and twisted by the laws of the planes.

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smolin 4 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Nice to see a quote from my beloved cRPG here.

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thorgott2 148.01 100%
gbzaid 147.14 98.4%
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gracekosten 146.20 98.4%
typin_ 144.79 93.5%
mothertrucker 143.93 98.9%
ksahn81xxx7 140.59 95.4%
am4sian 140.43 100%
zhengfeilong 140.33 98.9%

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ginjiruu 55.73 84.4%
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