How I Feel - Hailey

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von haileyevansisthebest
Life doesn't get easier, life doesn't get better, but it gets more real. Eventually, you will find someone, someone that loves you, someone that you marry. You get a job, a real job. You might have kids, and it might be hard, but that is everything, that completes you. It fills in the blanks, it makes your life, a struggle, but also an adventure. Live through it, and make the best out of your life, because you only live once, so don't spend it being miserable, think, and go live your life.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
"husky", there is really no way of saving this quote. It's complete drivel, on top of the seriously flawed use of punctuation. Some people just shouldn't post quotes. It's not up to me to fix the mistakes of others.
husky 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
@weesin This is why there's an option to submit modifications to the quote.
weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor you not know how to use commas properly? This is terrible!

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