Office Worker - Boss Man - El Jefe

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von megamankar
Brandon worked his way up from junior lifeguard, to kitchen worker, to maintenance man, all the way up to the office, that has better pay, and more hours. This enthused his boss, Kyle, to no end. You see, Kyle did the same exact thing at the camp, and was thrilled to have somebody like-minded beside him in the office. Brandon still has to improve his typing acumen though.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
yagoliz 108.84 98.9%
rrapattoni 95.31 98.4%
user90997 84.89 89.3%
user430679 78.00 98.4%
astrid17 73.26 95.9%
slaughtermelon 66.42 93.5%
user788008 64.02 90.4%
kris10 60.75 97.1%
user95951 60.19 93.7%
tdeep 60.01 93.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
filkill 29.72 87.6%
user430679 78.00 98.4%
astrid17 73.26 95.9%
sinaraa89 31.58 97.9%
user349339 54.40 94.9%
yagoliz 108.84 98.9%
mohd_talib 53.86 93.7%
slaughtermelon 66.42 93.5%