Path of the Just - Moshe Chaim Luzzato

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Thus, we see that man is truly placed in the midst of a raging battlefield. For all matters of this world, whether for the good or for the bad, are trials for a man. Poverty from one side versus wealth from the other... Tranquility on one hand versus suffering on the other, until the battle is waged against him from the front and from the rear.

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jaziegrl 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Thus, we see that man is truly placed in the midst of a raging battlefield. For all matters of this world, whether for the good or for the bad, are trials for a man. Poverty from one side versus wealth from the other...Tranquility on one hand versus suffering on the other, until the battle is waged against him from the front and from the rear.
anhiro 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
The good ol' jewish divine & conquer strategy.

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