About learning to touch type - eagertyper

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von eagertyper
I started to steadily increase my speed and accuracy only when I decided to literally paint my keyboard's keys in different colors. I used a touch typing keyboard map in which each finger works in a different section of the keyboard, and used a different color for each finger and its corresponding keys. Every time I am in doubt about which finger to use, I take a quick look at my keyboard and get back in track. It makes me not yet very fast, but it helps while being in the learning phase.

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demoncookie666 4 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
I used the RGB feature on my keyboard instead of painting.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 154.92 94.5%
techintosh12 133.77 99.6%
user74592 132.02 99.2%
thorgott2 129.87 97.6%
betterthanthis 125.81 99.0%
strikeemblem 125.04 98.8%
bruins4777 124.13 98.8%
walkingking 123.68 98.2%
ze_or 119.67 97.0%
virtualsphere 112.57 99.0%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user851491 111.71 94.1%
dolllover123 35.62 94.4%
user871724 154.92 94.5%
user349339 53.35 97.6%
mike7lap 33.92 99.8%
rkoh 87.06 95.7%
mafuso 108.58 97.4%
geryjs 102.78 95.0%