Kung Fu Panda - KUNG FU PANDA

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user593910
It goes like kung fu fighting. Do do do do do do do do. Little boy lightning. Do do do ddo dod od do. It goes like kung fu fighting. Do dod do dod do . Like little boy lightning. dod dod do dod Thank you and your welcome.

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maxlucetyping 5 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
That was a super amazing quote to type. And I don't know how you managed it, but there is not a single spelling error in it as well. You have typed "od" when I believe you meant to type "od" again for the gazillionth time... The mixing it up really added to the quote being one of the best on this website!

And you've typed "ddo"....I can only assume you meant to type "ddo" again? I assume this because it is clear you are a genius that makes no mistakes.

Also, it's customary to start new sentences with a capital letter... you've failed to do so in the last sentence which really mixed us the syntax and gives the quote real character and hidden meaning. This may be the best quote in the world!
weesin 5 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
That was a super shitty quote to type. And I don't know how you managed it, but there is a spelling error in it as well. You have typed "od" when I believe you meant to type "do" again for the gazillionth time...

And you've typed "ddo"....I can only assume you meant to type "dod" again?

Also, it's customary to start new sentences with a capital letter...you've failed to do so in the last sentence

Then you say "Thank you" and capitalize it when it shouldn't be capitalized

Then you say "your welcome" when it should be "you're welcome"

Geez....take some time to edit your quote before submitting it

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