The quote that sucks - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von imakeyboardsavage
Always live life to the fullest, do not ever let anyone think they are better than you, you can always be better than anyone if you work to your highest potential. So next time someone tells you that they are better than you, tell them that they might be better, but you can still be better.

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dcb87 2 Monate, 4 Wochen vor
Next time someone tells you they're better than you, just say, "ok."
weesin 5 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
This is a very naive quote. Some people suck at certain things no matter how hard you try or naturally there will always be people that are better than you at certain things

Are you trying to tell me that you think that if you practiced writing enough you would be better than the greats? Better than Aristotle? Better than Dostoevsky? Chaucer?

If you're a parent, I certainly hope you don't teach your kids that they can be the best at anything they want provided they practice'd be setting your kids up for massive failures

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