Life is like a game of chess - Allan Ruffus

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dave2197
Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move. Knowing which move to make comes with insight and knowledge and by learning the lessons that are accumulated along the way. We become each and every piece within the game called Life.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
You have a spelling issue here. You have typed "in-sight". This should not be hyphenated

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user871724 176.12 95.3%
jiggalee 159.48 97.2%
alliekarakosta 145.65 99.2%
gracekosten 141.76 96.5%
mentalist 141.39 99.6%
user88217 141.27 97.6%
zhengfeilong 140.35 98%
penguino_beano 140.31 95.7%
imstaken 139.31 98.8%
venerated 136.45 97.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ryno4117 84.27 95.0%
ashrosetta123 76.72 86.9%
reamerton 73.53 95.0%
jiggalee 159.48 97.2%
noob123456 121.75 98%
ned1230desktop 113.40 91.1%
gibz22 75.67 97.2%
user871724 176.12 95.3%