Micheal Parenti

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von shawner
To make the world safe for those who own it, politically active elements of the owning class have created a national security state that expends billions of dollars and enlists the efforts of vast numbers of people.

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jellyvanessa 90.33 92.7%
user949982 88.95 94.7%
blak20 87.25 95.6%
typinglindsey 86.90 94.7%
dragonflyiz 79.40 95.6%
petrolfume 78.45 89.6%
nhjtruong 73.08 96.4%
maadj 70.54 93.9%
cmontero94 69.88 96.8%
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user949982 88.95 94.7%
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hunkay0309 64.71 86.1%
kobo 66.96 88.1%
blak20 87.25 95.6%
user108381 27.82 86.8%
dragonflyiz 79.40 95.6%