Will to live - Hannah Mollohan

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mollohan_hannah
Sometimes you feel like everything is gone, and there is no reason to live anymore, but then you remember that you have your family and your friends with you, and you decide that you still have something to live for.

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kayla.gaudette 2 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
I glanced at the title for starting to type and thought this was a quote from Hannah Montana... My bad!
hex0 4 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
This just make me want to kill myself. I realize I actually have nothing...
icanttypesogood 4 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I thought that it said this quote was from Hannah Montana and I was very confused for a second
weesin 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
@onlyvexa - what was the point of this comment? It's just an exact copy of the quote itself....
onlyvexa 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Sometimes you feel like everything is gone, and there is no reason to live anymore, but then you remember that you have your family and your friends with you, and you decide that you still have something to live for.

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