V for Vendetta

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von plex_is_better
I have something for you, Chancellor. A farewell gift. For all the things you've done, for the things you might have done, and for the only thing you have left.

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 206.81 98.8%
seanasaur 166.19 100%
berryberryberry 164.44 94.2%
hololivefan 160.84 100%
hackertyper492 152.91 98.2%
user64764 150.90 97.6%
violet12333 150.06 100%
hunterz1200 149.33 97.6%
theprivateeye 148.98 100%
gbzaid 148.69 99.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
magesh 113.80 99.4%
avattavada 107.89 99.4%
donoshea 98.17 93.0%
lordbones 55.72 92.0%
andyanchovy 101.99 95.8%
cewial 94.63 94.1%
user109367 26.29 90.9%
avattavada 100.90 97.0%