Do you understand? - Myself

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von words_love_me
Do you know what it is to feel heartbreak? To have someone or something rip you heart out and tear it to shreds? I may be young, but I know how it feels; like you're empty, or lacking purpose. Feeling like you din't want to live anymore. Do you understand the feeling of worthlessness? Just remember, you are feeling this for a reason, it may lead you to bigger and better things in life.

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mollohan_hannah 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Honestly, it's like depression hit you with a brick and left you to sit there until you can take the brick off. And it's not one of those small bricks either. No, it's one of those big ass bricks that are heavy and not that easy to move
weesin 5 Jahre, 8 Monate vor
Seriously....people need to stop posting personal "quotes" because people don't seem to have the ability or willingness to edit their quotes prior to submitting them.

"rip you heart out"? I think you meant "rip your heart out"

"din't"? I think you meant to type "didn't"

And seriously....why are you pouring your heart out to total strangers? Talk to your friends or family about your feelings...or write it in your journal

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