Goodbye Road - Jungsh00ked1028

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mollohan_hannah
He only watched him from the distance though, his group of friends too large for him to handle. As soon as those bright grey eyes made contact with with his boring brown ones, he stomach sank. He waved, beckoning over to him to have some fun. He gulped, making his way over and giving a small smile before being pulled into a tight embrace. His sweet, angelic voices whispered into his eat to not be afraid and he didn't bite. It made a smile bloom across his face as he nodded.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
you have typed "he stomach sank" and I think you meant to type "his stomach sank"

you have typed "his sweet, angelic voices" and I think you meant to type " his sweet, angelic voice"

you have typed "whispered into his eat" and I think you meant to type "whispered into his ear"

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