nicknames - unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von mollohan_hannah
Nicknames such as baby, babe, sweetie, love, and darling do not alway have to apply to a relationship. They can be used in friendships as well as long as both parties are okay with it. Not everyone strictly uses these names in a relationship, so don't get your panties in wad when someone calls you these names.

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gtrreaper43 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Wessin you do have a point there
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I'm not suggesting that you care... You've made it clear by posting that quote that you don't care. I'm suggesting that you do a little research into the negative connotations the use of such diminutive terms have so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you care about them

Words have power... So it's imperative that you understand the impact of the words you choose to use
mollohan_hannah 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
@weesin i mean i could care less what people call me, i’m just saying because me and my best always use terms like this and i’ll look at it later though
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
@mollohan_hannah....I was scouring my women's studies textbooks to find some information for you as to why calling women "girls" is wrong, but I realize you're a teen and so I thought I'd send you this link instead, hoping this would speak to you more as it's not dry, boring feminist jargon. I think you'll enjoy it. Please take the time to view it (it's only a couple minutes long)
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I kind of have to disagree with you on this one. The use of diminutive terms can be offensive as they are, predominantly, used when addressing females, not males. For example, why are women referred to regularly as "girls" (a diminutive term) while men get to retain their identity as men rather than be diminutively labeled as boys?

Provided that diminutive terms are applied equally to both genders, they're perfectly fine to use. But when they're applied only to women, there's an issue...

Also, you have typed "in wad" rather than "in a wad"

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