Quotes For Life - Swathi

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von swathiperumal
Don't trust anyone in your life because even your shadow leaves you alone in the darkness my dear people don't give up until you reach your goals life is a precious thing so please fill that with happiness instead of sorrow.

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rowen_warren 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Add some punctuation?
weesin 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
These sappy, bubble gum quotes are the worst. And the punctuation, or lack thereof, is terrible.

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user871724 171.41 94.9%
2001or2 161.90 97.4%
marchtoglory 138.05 95.3%
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kyle_w 133.04 97.8%
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localbisexual 127.22 95.7%
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tjapit 108.32 98.2%

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ginjiruu 66.37 88.9%
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npabs 115.46 94.9%
user107563 82.28 98.7%
kyle_w 133.04 97.8%