How many eyes can people have? - No author

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kayleen
Most people have the same 2 eyes, but some people actually have 3. The 3rd eye is not visible to the human eye, it can only be felt if a spirit that has not crossed over. If you feel fear around them, they'll tease you by haunting you. One thing you can't do, do not open your 3rd eye and tell a spirit that you want to help them. They will attach to you and stay with you. If you want to open your eye, go ahead. My cousin opened his 3rd eye and he used a chinese technique.

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kayleen 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
It doesn't matter
weesin 5 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
You have an incomplete sentence: "The 3rd eye is not visible to the human eye, it can only be felt if a spirit that has not crossed over"

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