Naruto-Karin Uzumaki's Personality - Anime Info

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von kayleen
Karin has a fluctuating personality; she will appear tough and in control at times, to the point of being violent and critical, and at other times will appear highly flirtatious. She possesses a strong dislike towards Suigetsu Hōzuki, whom she attacks whenever he decides to mock or berate her. In the anime, she stated that she was attracted to men based on their chakra quality, and claims that Suigetsu's chakra disgusts her. Sasuke Uchiha's chakra used to dazzle her, but it now scares her.

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user292122 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
You cannot type the name Suigetsu Hozuki without the special O

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