Have fun - Some users from reddit

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von joshindecado
Extra vegetated terraces were reseeded afterwards as we recreated a devastated desert. We saw asses were far fatter after free sacred beer was served after a grave was crafted, we were devastated.

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iver2005 2 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Nice left handed quote.
user90632 3 Jahre vor
018246 3 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I had a lot of fun with this one!
closedspace808 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Are there any right hand only quotes?
kxenia 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
my left hand enjoyed it XD
user502993 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
lol this is good
cirrostratus 4 Jahre vor
Lmaooooo I love this even though I typed far slower than my average.
weiahe 4 Jahre vor
Kjg; g; ,jt tsf f;d h.soav
entitled 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Look how they massacred my left hand...
moatasem 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
promethes 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
dude nice quote! I wish there were more quotes that target specific hands like these; this was a good exercise
divine_. 4 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
bruh this was actually cool, even tho i got a lower score i found it fun to just mess around with my left hand and thats a double meaning right there.
greeneyedqban 4 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
LMAO... so far one of my favorite ones. I didn't realize until half way through that I was only typing with one hand.
itaidagan 4 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
xx4931xx 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Woah, that was fun...a left-hand-only quote, interesting.
hunterz1200 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
Wow. That was actually a ton of fun. Thanks for posting this one!
poptart0u812 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
Love this quote! Was wondering why my left hand was kinda starting to burn until i realized, my right hand hasn't done anything. Thanks!
joshindecado 5 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
Now tell me that key placement does not matter after typing this one out

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
virtualsphere 117.54 100%
69buttpractice 114.84 98.5%
tetriks4 113.52 95.6%
applesonlsd 108.94 96.6%
zhengfeilong 108.56 98.5%
deadmoose 108.28 97.5%
mrlazav 108.09 93.8%
user939249 105.70 94.7%
komicaljd 104.90 98%
penguino_beano 104.59 96.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
amman66 62.36 96.6%
nana 53.93 92.0%
tokaisuki 65.03 96.1%
spiritowl 71.30 91.2%
rossgshaffer 88.88 96.1%
lgood93 54.88 99.5%
user854145 63.63 93.3%
lacsaokarylle08 72.40 93.8%