Never Go To Sleep Angry - Unknown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von goat_farmer
Never go to sleep angry. Because you never know if you or the person you're mad at will wake up the next morning. Always forgive because you never know you'll talk to them again. Things happen. Get over it. Always forgive. You may not forget, but it's better than knowing you'll never get to say sorry or I love you again.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
This is a good quote to live by. The morning of the day my first husband died, we had a stupid fight...about which route to take to work to best avoid construction delays. Thankfully, we talked during the day and apologized. Had we not done that, my last words to him would have been in anger. I couldn't have lived with that. Always make the time to repair relationships with loved ones. Even if you're sure you're right. Better to humble yourself than to live with regrets.

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