AfricAryaN - Logic/Neil De Gras Tyson

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dantehrs
Live your life. Don't waste your days on the negative energy of others. Remember that you're not your salary, you're not your house, you're not your car and, no matter how big your bank account is, your grave is six feet under just like everyone else's. So enjoy the days you have. Worry not about the days that came before you, nor the ones that will follow you in death. Remember that right here in this moment is all you are guaranteed, and the fact that you are living is what life is all about.

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jacksonm 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
yeah ill give it a pass lol because it's so good
weesin 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Yes, this is a good quote. I wouldn't have even known it was song lyrics as it's written well - it lacks the punctuation errors that you typically find in a quote made up of song lyrics
weebcancer 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
This is song lyrics which are apparently not allowed but who cares it's a great quote.

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