Thought They Knew You - Pensilious

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von pency
As I was watching the policemen, I noticed Jenna talking to herself, slightly holding her chin in a gracious manner, while looking down. Since I was closest to her, I could hear what she was muttering. "I could knock them out... or, or maybe, give them a blood loss... although, people won't notice two policemen missing, right?..." with that, I looked at her in disbelief. The girl who saved Alex, the girl who wanted to help me, just plans to kill two innocent guys? What is wrong with her?!

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jacksonm 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
lol jk

but seriously, i dont like it. bad grammar, and boring.
jacksonm 5 Jahre, 4 Monate vor
terrible quote


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