"Mom, I'm a Space Cadet" - So Much for Best Friends

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von space_cadet
Sometimes you can't sit alone; sometimes you need to listen to old problems loudly in your car, and then play 'Mortal Kombat' with one of your closest friends and make everything as okay as it can be. I've spent more Saturday nights alone thinking than you could imagine. I can deal with it if you really don't want to.

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mafuso 107.88 95.2%
hamchow 105.77 97.9%
aerizu 104.35 94.7%
user90997 103.30 95.5%
saraannehopperr 100.29 94.9%
strosekd 97.03 95.5%
magesh 92.02 97.3%
rkoh 91.88 94.4%
ozymandias037 91.85 94.1%
rrapattoni 91.52 97.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
hamchow 105.77 97.9%
user843630 86.03 94.9%
rkoh 91.88 94.4%
saraannehopperr 100.29 94.9%
cattype123 62.68 96.4%
t-_ozec 59.52 96.1%
samwankins 85.61 99.4%
nhjtruong 71.21 95.0%