Change - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von tbwp
If you change your thinking then you will change your actions, and if you change your actions, then you are going to change your results. If you are going to win a battle, you must ensure that the mind controls the body. Never the other way around.

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bcurty32 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
New PB of 107 WPM at 99.2% accuracy. Thanks!
promethes 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
new PB: 145.56 WPM! wonderful quote XD

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 198.78 96.9%
typin_ 196.73 98.4%
johnymaccarroni 193.05 100%
jiggalee 176.50 100%
berryberryberry 176.01 97.3%
kwissy_ 167.45 99.6%
sil 165.62 97.7%
stillow2 165.35 100%
69buttpractice 164.99 100%
name_999 162.65 100%

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oowwaauu 55.21 97.6%
user105219 94.75 97.6%
helven 80.24 93.6%
user381085 147.73 97.3%
user484329 82.70 90.9%
dcb87 144.80 100%
engl3king06 81.10 90.5%
mariomartinho 87.56 98.0%