The Ukrainian Bull - Boris Shcherbina, Chernobyl (2019)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von justkidding
You'll do it because it must be done. You'll do it because no one else can, and if you don't, millions will die. And if you tell me that's not enough, I won't believe you. This is what has always set our people apart. A thousand years of sacrifice in our veins. And every generation must know its own suffering. I spit on the men who did this. And I curse the price I have to pay. But I am making my peace with it. Now you make yours. And go into that water... Because it must be done.

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accuratebeefybread 2 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
slowtyper237 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
suffering is not suffering when the one suffering is doing the suffering so suffering will not cause suffering on the suppering who do not yet know suffering.

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