Get Going - Donald Trump

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von brandencan
Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude.

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brandencan 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Example (since I'm enjoying this): It's a fact that the black unemployment rate is at a low, right? Now, many would say "Trump is amazing, look at this STAT!" and others might retort with "That's just evidence that Obama did a great job!" etc. etc. What about all those Americans who took huge risks to start companies and provide more jobs? What about other lawmakers who assisted in improving the black unemployment rate (in this example)? I believe it's more wise to consider the whole. I think extreme partisanism is very dangerous and that people have more in common than they have in contrary.
brandencan 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I suppose I'd like to append my comment by making a crucial differentiation. I believe and additionally try to have hope that the US system of government is balanced enough to prevent one man (as over-powered as he or she (someday) may be) from effecting the extreme acts and radicalism that other countries have very unfortunately seen and some continue to see today.
So, I guess, said differently, although society tends to credit the captain for the success of the ship, no one person can claim credit for major positives nor be blamed for negatives due to the checks and balances present in the US government.
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
I don't see how anyone could infer anything other than @bvw is a Trump supporter when @bvw states that the "US is strong again and doing more good for the world, most of the world is happy to have US back" - Trump is the current president - so changes perceived to be positive would stem from his leadership, no? So if someone is saying "the US is doing great these days", he/she would be implying that Trump has made positive changes.

I love your Hitler comment. The man was a freaking maniac, but his views on animal rights were quite progressive. But no one (except for other crazed Nazis) would have said "Germany is doing great these days". Saying so would mean you support what Hitler was doing...
brandencan 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
@weesin That's a very dangerous stance my friend. If I understand you correctly, then you're saying anyone who acknowledges a positive about Trump must be a Trump supporter. The principle you are proposing is that sharing a single ideology or even acknowledging a fact in support of a person or entity makes you wholly in support of that entity. Would you say that being a vegetarian is a good thing? Or would you said that smoking is harmful and to be avoided? Well, guess what, you are a Hitler supporter...
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
My apologies for the autofill error. I meant @bvw not @IBM
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
@IBM, I believe you're misguided. Do some research and you'll find that the international opinion of the US has decreased markedly since that clown was voted into office. I can't believe I'm conversing with an apparent Trump supporter...
brandencan 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
This quote was meant to be apolitical.
bvw 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
The US is strong again and doing more good for the world, most of the world is very happy to have US back.
weesin 5 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Elections can't come soon enough. The US has become the laughing stock of the global community for electing Trump

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