The DNA of The Soul - Monsoon

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Free will is a myth, religion is a joke. We are all pawns controlled by something greater: Memes, the DNA of the soul. They shape our will. They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair; all memes, all passed along.

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bvw 4 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
That sounds "scientific" and it seems to be to be "science fiction" like that L. Ron Hubbard would write, and then becoming adept at interpersonal interaction, in the same framing as his fictionology, he start a "religion". But maybe you and this quote come to it not via Hubbard and scientology. Okay, in that case I'll just note that anger is an intrinsic human emotion, and it does not have to be taught to become a strong thing in a human life. Anger is dangerous, very destructive, but the real true way of this existance is that anger has to be 'untaught', or rather parents must reach out and work to train their children to manage anger, to minimize it, to keep it only for the rarest circumstance. The proper circumstance: righteous anger. So that means also teaching that there is a right and a wrong, and that it comes from G-d, more by revelation and caretaking than by logic.

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