
This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user64558
"Yeah, thanks for that, Ty," I chuckle. "I would also like to thank my arms for always being by my side, my legs for always supporting me, and my fingers because I could always count on them."

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weesin 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
There are puncutation issues here (with the quotation marks). Also, you have typed 'O' instead of 'I'

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algo 114.01 99.5%
iltranscendent 107.61 98.5%
user90997 103.35 97.0%
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somerandomppl 92.54 98.0%
user108043 90.46 93.2%
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tengugod 47.94 84.6%
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user843630 79.57 96.5%
outofthedumps 56.90 95.0%
somerandomppl 92.54 98.0%
user843630 82.23 97.0%