Hard Work and Success - Vince Lombardi

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von amvictory
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.

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amvictory 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Oh, the irony!
ibnadam 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
Success comes before hard work in this quote, too.
amvictory 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I don't think luck just by itself will bring you success. Sure, it may bring opportunity, but without hard work, you can't really take advantage of it. But definitely in a lot of cases, luck does play a part.
adamyaaz64 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I mean many people just need luck, and that comes before success in the dictionary.
amvictory 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I'm unsure what's confusing? Success starts with the letter S, work starts with the letter W, so in the dictionary, which lists things alphabetically, you will find an entry for the word Success before you find the entry for the word Work. But other than that, work comes BEFORE you realize success.
user76238 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

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