Fraziers Poem - Muhammad Ali

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von bluerider310
Ali comes out to meet Frazier, but Frazier starts to retreat, If Joe goes back an inch farther. He'll wind up in a ringside seat. Ali swings with his left, Ali swings with his right, Just look at the kid carry the fight. Frazier keeps backing but there's not enough room, it's only a matter of time Before Ali lowers the boom. Ali swings with his right. What a beautiful swing, but the punch lifts Frazier clean out of the ring. Frazier's still rising and the referee wears a frown.

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weesin 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Actually no, there aren't any punctuation issues with my comment. Even if there were punctuation issues with my comment - it's a comment, not a quote which requires far greater attention to detail. A comment is an informal method of writing and therefore does not require perfect punctuation or diction.

Also, if you're going to attempt to criticize someone, you may wish to write properly yourself - "you didn't puntuate correctly your comment" is very awkwardly-worded
mathcomputer 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Yeah, about that, Weesin, you didn't punctuate correctly your comment.
weesin 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
There are incomplete sentences and punctuation issues. Also, you've capitalized two different words each following commas - this is incorrect

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