Great Vision - Sadhguru

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von skytri
I want young people to look at life in terms of... How we can do something that cannot be done in this lifetime. "Oh, what will happen if I don't fulfill it?" If you worked incessantly and still at the end of your life the job is not done, it doesn't mean you are a failure, it means you had a great vision.

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kumagai 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
If you worked incessantly all your life, you wasted your life. You can't take your sense of accomplishment to the grave with you. The current day to day moments are all we have. And to live well is to enjoy them as much as possible. Achievement is overrated.
weesin 5 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Why is the word 'Worked' capitalized?

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