Kristen Billerbeck - Dustin Lynch Lover

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von dustinlynchlove
Love isn't safe. And whoever you love will hurt you. It's part of the human experience. No one is perfect, people make mistakes. The secret is to focus on what they do right and what quirks you can deal with.

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dustinlynchlove 5 Jahre vor
i am a proud christian and always will be. so i believe in being positive and lifting people up. so if you don't that's fine.
weesin 5 Jahre vor
why would I lie? I don't think your quote is 'nice'. And I'm not particularly fond of quotes written by someone who calls themself a "christian chick lit author'. Women like her put the feminist movement back by about 100 years. No, I cannot say your quote is 'nice'
dustinlynchlove 5 Jahre vor
thanks. it would also be nice to be positive for one second and say my quote is nice. Thanks.
weesin 5 Jahre vor
also, by the cheesiness of this quote, I can only assume you have quoted the christian author Kristen Billerbeck - if that is the case, you have misspelled her first name as well
dustinlynchlove 5 Jahre vor
thanks for the comment! :) thought i already fixed it1
weesin 5 Jahre vor
'o' is not a word. Please edit your error

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