Pressure - Oliver Black

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von 018246
I don't understand why people hate pressure and other's high expectations. It's been created so that a person can grow to become a person so great, they could never have been a better person without the pressure they were put into. How do you think Bill Gates and Jeff Besos made so much money? Cuz they moped around, complaining that they didn't have money but didn't have the willingness themselves to get a job? Without pressure there is no movement, without expectations, there is no growth.

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weesin 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
I would re-write it entirely. There are puncutation issues that need to be addressed as well
018246 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Okay, thanks! How else could I fix it?
weesin 4 Jahre, 12 Monate vor
Awkwardly worded. And 'other's' should be types as 'others''

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