Think->Do - Hex Zero

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von hex0
Many times in life as we struggle with addiction we just replace it with another addiction. Sometimes we end up even worse then how we started. The trick to avoid this is as simple question that you have to ask yourself. Am I lying to myself?

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weesin 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
you have typed 'worse then' instead of 'worse than'. Please edit

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
user491757 146.05 98.4%
2001or2 129.57 94.5%
user851491 124.07 98.8%
gwaldrop 110.76 94.5%
paranoidminotaur 105.62 98.0%
user830398 103.71 100%
kensmom825 102.54 96.4%
thephantomofkey 102.07 98.0%
savsschwentner 100.92 93.8%
user71126 99.52 96.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
kait999 75.28 96.0%
user109458 60.60 90.6%
lings 42.97 92.7%
user643827 69.41 91.3%
thephantomofkey 102.07 98.0%
gwaldrop 110.76 94.5%
anton_lavey 30.85 88.6%
theking 95.75 95.7%