Salman Khan

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von _kookie
Personal responsibility is not only undervalued but actually discouraged by the standard classroom model, with its enforced passivity and rigid boundaries of curriculum and time. Denied the opportunity to make even the most basic decisions about how and what they will learn, students stop short of full commitment.

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jiggalee 155.13 98.1%
user871724 146.44 92.2%
keyherohero 141.73 98.4%
msmurphy12 141.59 99.4%
ejh1109 140.12 99.7%
zhengfeilong 138.65 98.7%
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Name WPM Genauigkeit
typinglindsey 65.44 89.1%
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reamerton 71.07 96.3%
user843630 81.42 94.9%
gotwood248 66.72 99.1%
user109145 41.87 90.5%
typinglindsey 75.09 96.6%
gotwood248 69.06 95.2%