Boost up your words per minute by a lot - hyper_typer

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von hyper_typer
The one thing that you need to do is to do that one thing that will not be that great if you were to say be the one to be said by the one guy that is not bad or not.

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trollhunter 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
this is a poorly-written run-on sentence

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user871724 173.96 100%
rezai 170.29 97.6%
user94562 151.52 100%
dcb87 150.94 100%
ned1230 150.10 96.5%
jgdude 140.75 100%
pointless2429 140.62 100%
gwaldrop 128.76 100%
kicko 125.54 97.6%
trishadgk 125.13 96.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109634 27.52 97.1%
user109132 56.84 85.1%
tamoney 101.94 98.2%
gwaldrop 127.52 99.4%
toxiccobra 85.03 97.6%
user597828 54.31 92.2%
ned1230 150.10 96.5%
kicko 125.54 97.6%