Les Miserables - Victor Hugo

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user68795
Nowhere can the mind's eye find anything more dazzling or more obscure than in man; it can focus on nothing more awe-inspiring, more complex, more mysterious, or more infinite. There is one spectacle greater than the sea: That is the sky; there is one spectacle greater than the sky: That is the interior of the soul.

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weiahe 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
If the spectacle of the soul is greater than that of the sky, which is greater than that of the sea, then both are greater than the sea. Which means two spectacles are greater than the sea, not one. Unless there's some non-transitive property going on here.
trollhunter 4 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
you typed 'spectcale' instead of 'spectacle'

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