You just reached your personal best score. - Caleb Niels Ruslim

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von calebnr
The sun is not red or orange, the moon is not white or yellow, unicorns are not flying horses with horns, and your pet is not an animal. However, I do not even know if these are true.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
2001or2 125.75 91.0%
alkos 114.80 97.9%
gwaldrop 97.53 92.9%
hamchow 96.74 95.3%
ellxi39 92.81 93.4%
donoshea 91.27 92.9%
rrapattoni 83.43 96.3%
jeanish 83.26 89.3%
user105008 75.21 97.9%
yoko 74.57 92.9%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
gwaldrop 97.53 92.9%
jeanish 83.26 89.3%
alkos 114.80 97.9%
yoko 74.57 92.9%
hamchow 96.74 95.3%
2001or2 125.75 91.0%
lome 54.32 95.8%
ellxi39 92.81 93.4%