It's the Best (Hard) - Ian Philip A. Brown

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von IanBrown
Accept this test, especially for the last section. I suspect if you expect to do exceptionally, you'll be exceptionally discontent. Probably perplexed, and likely depressed. But these emotions, expressed in excess, will leave one vanquished. So don't recess, progress and achieve your best. Stay blessed.

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cornvelious 118.62 98.1%
2001or2 115.21 91.4%
tecc 108.23 96.5%
alin000 103.27 97.8%
bmcgoo 100.46 96.2%
geroithe 99.50 97.5%
theprivateeye 99.03 94.7%
jl.jielin 98.06 97.8%
trishadgk 98.05 92.7%
mafuso 97.41 96.2%

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typinglindsey 78.10 98.7%
npabs 93.23 94.1%
trishadgk 98.05 92.7%
user106562 28.29 96.8%
ockock 97.07 96.5%
user843630 76.04 94.1%
bmcgoo 100.46 96.2%
somerandomppl 80.94 94.7%