jubeat - tutorial - Konami Amusement

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von rayclaire
Touch the panels on the screen at the right time in rhythm to the music. This is a Marker. Touch the panels with perfect timing to get a higher score. Bad timing equals bad scores. Touch now. Timing is key. Touch the Marker the instant it starts to close in time to the rhythm of the music.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
jiggalee 123.93 91.5%
user76248 123.33 96.0%
user287946 119.11 98.3%
user74975 114.76 99.0%
cornvelious 110.65 93.9%
vanilla 106.69 96.0%
user299570 105.05 98.0%
kmloos 103.64 95.7%
strikeemblem 103.34 96.4%
natwest 101.66 95.4%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
ldrin01 48.04 92.7%
smartboynaresh 74.18 91.5%
user843630 91.10 98.0%
npabs 93.71 91.2%
donoshea 68.66 89.8%
jiggalee 123.93 91.5%
clickclackm00 75.27 89.8%
clickclackm00 70.05 87.1%