Why are you typing - Someone you will never meet

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von justtryingtotypefaster
Why are you typing right now? Are you trying to improve your skill or do you just enjoy the feeling of typing? At this point, we mine as well be addicted to it, the speed, the feeling of your brain connecting the keys to the letters in this specific word. Are you focusing on accuracy or speed? these are the questions we should dare to ask ourselves to improve.

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hiramisu 1 Stunde, 42 Minuten vor
I'm just procrastinating on my essay that is due in 2 days qwq

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
hiramisu 122.11 94.3%
ethanthecuber 116.12 93.5%
kyle_w 109.45 95.5%
geroithe 99.42 95.8%
yoomsters 94.89 95.3%
rkoh 94.02 96.3%
khallabuk 93.71 94.5%
donoshea 92.82 94.3%
_cole_ 84.11 93.1%
user97523 78.23 92.1%

Kürzlich für

Name WPM Genauigkeit
hiramisu 122.11 94.3%
donoshea 92.82 94.3%
kyle_w 109.45 95.5%
rkoh 94.02 96.3%
user109425 68.49 93.3%
stubbydoughnut 63.48 88.2%
user97523 78.23 92.1%
user107611 54.30 96.0%