To Who Ever! - Don't need 2 know

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von 1sqcvw
I hate it how you're trying to type and people all around you keep talking. If you to are having a hard time concentrating... I'm sorry. It bugs me how I start typing faster than normal and other people seem to keep talking louder. I hate it. Even while you're typing or doing something that involves typing there almost always is someone next to you either talking or clapping or something that bothers you( to be continued).

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
eventlogging 170.00 100%
geryjs 118.54 97.7%
jgdude 107.61 95.3%
jacqueline1234 101.61 96.6%
macies1515 99.99 97.9%
typefighter 87.00 95.3%
dangocaptain 86.20 94.9%
ryno4117 85.32 94.1%
user453101 79.90 93.6%
stevendiao 73.01 90.6%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
jgdude 107.61 95.3%
ryno4117 85.32 94.1%
dangocaptain 86.20 94.9%
typefighter 87.00 95.3%
user453101 79.90 93.6%
willyric 66.18 93.0%
arun0609 36.53 87.9%
user519977 61.02 90.0%