True Pain - anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von thetypemaster
Sometimes, we all have to feel sad and experience pain in order to really know what feeling good is like. Sometimes, we have to feel really bad before we can feel like we've really picked ourselves up. Thus is the way of life. The most important thing is that we keep moving on through it all, no matter what happens. Stopping never helps, and it will destroy you from the inside out, and before you know it you will have become something you're not. In other words, keep moving and learn to let go.

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slowtyper237 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor
Bruh I totally forgot about the chick-fil-a soup incident. True pain is remembering.
kiriiya 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Halfway through, I was wondering why this was so badly written. I then looked at the title.
comatose 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Another quote about perseverance and moving forward yayyyyyyyyyy
slowtyper237 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
true pain is when your cousin's dog eats your chick-fil-a soup and then you have no soup.

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