Stress test - jpincognito

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von jpincognito
This, is a test. A true test; challenging your abilities to type "Realistic" scenarios in "Context,". Addressing things like: Mary-Anne: "Talking in a dialogue setting," she squealed in exasperation. Speaking... In... Dynamic... CADENCES LIKE THIS! Or utilizing words with unorthodox spelling like hyphenations or xylophone. Places like Schenectady, New York and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania are also quite indicative of trickery! Even so, if you have not skipped this quote, you have passed the test.

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gbzaid 4 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
In "Realistic" scenarios the R would be lowercase. This quote has poor grammar.

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
gbzaid 102.76 98.0%
ozzycallooh 92.74 89.8%
strikeemblem 90.36 95.8%
mafuso 88.97 97.8%
marchtoglory 86.62 89.6%
am4sian 83.07 94.0%
user479331 81.70 94.5%
quadruplejane 76.48 94.9%
placeholder 76.42 94.0%
lemonturtlecat 76.36 89.9%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
user109027 22.84 90.7%
user390874 50.29 97.5%
user107564 43.22 90.4%
ozzycallooh 92.74 89.8%
lome 63.61 95.4%
sheilafleming 52.14 96.0%
rrapattoni 61.48 92.8%
strikeemblem 90.36 95.8%