Achievements - Anonymous

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user64802
The time in which we find ourselves content, is the point where we stop and consider the fact that what we have earned, has in some small measure, been with the help of others. It is therefore necessary to continue that practice by going on and helping give aid in some small measure to another.

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kiriiya 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Why, do you, use, so, many, goddamn, commas?

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
fant0m 186.36 100%
user871724 186.07 99.0%
johnymaccarroni 183.08 99.7%
penguino_beano 165.52 98.7%
venerated 165.16 99.3%
toinfinity 161.52 98.3%
hackertyper492 159.69 98.0%
restspeaker 159.51 100%
practicebutt69 158.44 100%
user491757 155.61 99.3%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
lumberlyactions 82.92 92.8%
epictyper234 93.12 96.1%
gwaldrop 101.67 91.9%
user238034 88.78 98.3%
thephantomofkey 96.04 94.3%
user871724 186.07 99.0%
user80864 81.90 89.6%
user90665 75.97 96.4%